Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mr. Economics says: Single mothers are damaged goods!

Today’s lesson is going to take a look at the social failures known as single mothers. This is more informative for the guys, but the ladies can take notes if they wish. Now not all single mothers are whiny libs who suck up welfare and burden our strained public programs. Some are legitimately single for example; a wife who lost her husband in the Iraq war, or a woman who was raped by some illegal immigrant, etc. This lesson will focus on the single mothers who are truly damaged goods, such as gang-bangin’ wigger hoes who want to fuck as many men as they can in their failure of a life. Or the sociopathic prostitutes or even mentally ill broads who want to have as many babies as they can with as many different men so they can sit on their fat lib asses and collect child support payments from 60 different men their whole worthless lives. These are the women you guys need to avoid like the plague and run the other direction when you see them.

Most of these whiny mom’s have some kind of story behind why their single, have 3 kids who in turn have 3 different dads. They’re usually all along the same lines like, “He just didn’t respect me,” or, “He was abusive,” or some other twisted bullshit. Don’t fall for this guys, as they are trying to set up a trap based on emotional guilt. Once they ensnare you in their web of lies you will be doomed for the next 18 years of your life. You do not want this to happen as it will be the end of your personal financial wellbeing. Also guys you don’t want to be tied to bitches like these for the rest of your lives.

Now it’s no secret that most of these women are a drain on government social programs, the healthcare industry, and any other form of aid they can wrap their greedy fingers around. They don’t want to work one day in their lives (unless it’s on their backs) and would rather sit in a 9,000 sq. ft. house using their 12 kids as their personal ATM machines to finance their bloated and diseased life style. Being a single mother means instant access to welfare, wic, food stamps, and a host of other public programs, and combining those benefits with the child support you’d be paying means their children are little more than ATM machines to them. They pawn their kids off on anyone and everyone who would be willing to take them so they can go party, have anonymous sex with strangers and hopefully start the cycle all over again. Now if us guys were to band together we could bring this kind of deranged activity to a screeching halt.

Most single moms will tell you that you have to accept their children if you want to be with them. This is another mind game as they are only seeing if you care enough about them to put up with endless child support payments / garnishments for the next 18 years of your life. They will whine and cry and tell you every sob story in the book, but in the end they are the same pieces of social shit as illegal immigrants, murderers, drug dealers, etc. and should be treated as such. They will destroy whatever kind of plan you have for your personal finance, and you will never be able to retire and if you do, it will be in a slum, not some tropical paradise you’d imagined. If you fall for one of these slack-jawed cum dumpster’s skanky tricks you’ll end up regretting it and ultimately eating cat food throughout your “golden” years. Do not let this happen to you.

If you get with a girl you really, really like, and find out she’s a single mom for one of the above bullshit reasons, or variation of said reason, you should dump them as fast as you can and walk away with one hand making sure your zipper is still up. Besides there are plenty of “fish in the sea” so you will find the girl who is right for you and not a parent yet. These self-destroying women are a plague to society and the economy. They have single handedly caused this entire economic recession by buying up 9,000 sq. ft. homes they couldn’t afford and defaulting on their mortgages because their fixed incomes couldn’t keep pace with inflation. A lot of them are desperate and will try anything to find another sucker to knock them up so they can get a boost to their welfare / child support. For the sake of sound personal financial success you should just look elsewhere for a woman who is not damaged goods, and attempt at creating a life with her, unless you want the mother of your child to think of him/her as an ATM machine.


Mr. Economics

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